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Javascript tips series
Most amazing github resources for you
Here are some best practices emerging and becoming standard among vue devs.
Write cleaner and more readable code with these few js tips & tricks.
Let's explore some of the best practises, while developing a website.
Let's learn how to use vue dev-tools for iframe
Some of the useful VS Code extensions for better DX
Slots are a powerful tool for creating reusable components in Vue.js.
WWW vs Non WWW: Which is the right approach for SEO
Make your site accessible to different users speaking different languages
Tired of hearing ads on spotify? Here's a way to get rid of them!
Key attribute is an important part while looping in vue apps
Secure your website on Nginx with Let's Encrypt
Fix slow PHP send mail on server - Digital Ocean, AWS
HTML 5.1 provide us with new ways of how we can use HTML to create more flexible web experiences.